OCD Connecticut (OCD CT) held two major events to celebrate OCD Awareness Week (October 9-15, 2022):
OCD Awareness Week Colloquium – OCD: Getting Help and Support for Recovery
An estimated 150 individuals attended the Thursday evening, October 13 session at Sacred Heart University (SHU) led by SHU professor emeritus and OCD CT clinical board advisor Dr. Christina Taylor. Panel members included OCD CT and Fairfield County OCD Support Group members. The discussion focused on OCD symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment – as well as audience questions. The presentation was part of the SHU Human Journey Colloquia 2022 Series. View a PowerPoint presentation shown at the event. See photos from the event.
The One Million Steps for OCD Walk
The 1.3 mile Saturday morning, October 15 walk at Jennings Beach (Fairfield) was designed to promote increased awareness and a supportive community for the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) and its State affiliate, OCD CT. It also enabled OCD CT to raise funds for the OCD/related disorders community. Attendees enjoyed the beautiful outdoor opportunity to meet and greet each other and exchange information while embracing life’s uncertainty, one step at a time.
Future Events
OCD CT intends to hold more events during the Spring and Fall of 2023. Virtual as well as in-person sessions will be considered to optimize our Statewide mission of education and outreach. We hope you can be part of these activities.
As always, we welcome your feedback. You can follow us on this website and on Facebook and Instagram.